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Gave me the extra energy to serve you better



When I started to ask for testimonials from people I know , I do have a certain impression of myself towards you.

However, what you have wrote back surpass my imagination of what I have done for you and your family .

This page is dedicated for all my clients and friends . 

I am honoured to serve you.







"I need to thank all my clients for all the support given to me. MDRT qualification is an award that affirms me that I am serving my client's in the right direction. I will continue to work hard for anyone who given me their trust"

An award that represents the best in financial planning field internationally

MDRT 2022 qualification



Image by Lau keith

You have done your homework on me and have tried to understand my portfolio. You did not force new policies to my face but to recommend on what I need based on what I can afford. You also did continuous updating not just on the portfolios but on things like seminars that could benefit me. You could have forgo the extra mile but you did not :) . 


You the best Financial Consultant i have ever had. Let you know if i found a better one :):):)

Tara. J

Image by Sung Wang

Andrew is a very reliable person with great personality. He is always prompt in replying my queries and updating me when there are any changes in my policies.

He contact me from time to time when there is a new policy which fit what i am looking for and helping me base on my financial needs which i feel there is always a personal touch there.

When recommending new policy, his explanation was precise and clear and ensuring i understood full before committing.

I feel at ease having him as my Financial Consultant as Andrew doesn't and never ever pressure me to buy policies from him.

When incidents happens, he will personally inform me that i am covered when i have no idea that I was. And he will advise the step by step on the paperwork needed and step in to offer help when i'm confused and have problems with it.


He is one amazing person that made me feel that he genuinely cares. As there were times even when he discourage me from buying policies I had interest in and slowly explaining it to me why he advise not to based on my financial needs.


In the whole, i'm glad i have him as my agent and i feel safe and protected. I even got him to advised on the policies my future wife need and definitely more for my family in the near future.

Great job Andrew! Thank you too!

Andrew Lee Weijie

Woman in Yellow

What i like about u have done for me:

I think u made the effort to understand my lifestyle and preferences and adjust your approach to suit me. Eg u know i have little time and don't really like the details so u will summarise for me and only tell me Key things i need to note. I feel that U have a good overview of my coverage and needs and i can always rely on you. You also always offer help generously even if you have little or nothing to gain from it. Eg when i ask u advice on other non prudential related policies.

Ng Lilian

Asian Businesswoman

My husband and I have known Andrew for over a decade and we trust his services so much that our children's and our parents' policies were bought from him as well. He will give advice, to the best of his knowledge, on policies that are not from Prudential too. He has given consistent good service for over a decade and this speaks volumes of his excellent work ethic.

Andrew goes over and beyond to help his clients. As my parents are not comfortable with using internet for communication, Andrew never complains when he is asked to pop by their place to explain something or to collect hard copies of claims from them.

Andrew also regularly initiates conversations to update on our policies or to review what we have bought. He puts in the effort to stay in touch with us, which I am grateful for.


Would recommend: Yes

Anything to add: He deserves all the accolades he receives.

Angela Teh and Edwin Tie

Image by sean Kong

Andrew has been nothing but patient. He is not someone who hard sells policies to you and leave you hanging after. He truly takes his time to understand your risk profile and recommends policies to you which are relevant to your needs and within your budget. He also makes sure that your policy is revisited on an annual basis to ensure that your policies are still adequate to meet your current needs and commitments. He also makes an effort to monitor your investments and provide periodic updates. Thanks Andrew!


Would recommend: Yes

Anything to add: -

Wu Zhongmin

Image by Juan Encalada

I have known Andrew since National Service. He has shown to be a responsible and reliable friend as well as Financial Consultant whom I can count on. I signed up my first policy with him shortly after my first job and has been receiving sound financial advice during our policy reviews based on my financial needs. To date, I've continue to renew existing plans and sign up new ones under him, and as far as I know, he is still working in Prudential. In this day and age, it is not easy find an employee (Financial Consultant of Prudential) that is committed not only to the company but also in serving the needs of us - the customers. I have signed up a couple of plans with other advisors of competing companies to know what I am talking about. I trust Andrew and will continue to place my faith in him. Andrew, "jiayou"!

Would recommend: Yes

Chen Jianwen



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