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What is your definition of success?

Hi and that is me doing a pose for my photoshoot. Behind the scene instructions were to look cool and there is a fan blowing my blazer and tie away to create the wind of success feeling. What do you think?

Singaporeans have always been taught that success in school is to score A. Success in life will be condo and car for example. However, on the side of the coin , did you ever see a student trying to cheat their way in examinations? Have you seen someone borrowing beyond their means to live inside a condo or a private apartment?

Success to me are very simple and clear. I need to be financial free, I need to be control of my own time , I need to have family bonding time and I need to be happy.

At my current role , I have the choice to take my leave whenever I feel stress out from my work , I am able to be the caretaker of my parents or child at the very last minute of notice. These will lead me to be happy and this mental state of mind will translate back to my family. I feel that to achieve the balance , we need to be very clear about our objective. If you are earning $1mil a year but you do not have time for your family , are you happy? If you are having loads of time but not earning enough to make ends meet , are you happy ?

It is a choice I make to be balance in all ways and stay happy.

Are you happy?

Andrew Ang

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