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After a good 2 years in stock market , where should we place our money next?

Oh no .... 2022 market is crashing !!!!!

for the past 2 years , it seems like anyone who dare to place their money inside any investment , prices always seems to rise. It defies the logic of a pandemic period when market can perform so well.

There are even some dare devils who try on investments like Bitcoins where the lucky few can earn a handsome sum as well.

The question we need to ask ourselves is that , is investment arena going to be like this forever ?

We need to let our mind settle and ask ourselves , if investment is so easy , we will all have made it in life already . Correct?

First thing we need to understand is Money flow

Over past 2 years , due to pandemic , government all over the world are churning out loans to cushion the market risk and therefore create A LOT OF FREE MONEY ON THE STREET. What many do not know is that for the past 2 years , if your money is not in the market , inflation is deflating them away. If your money is in the market , the chances are you may make money on the record but likely you are just keeping pace with the inflation only.


People start to invest in places like Crypto thinking it is god sent and its the next big thing on earth where billionaires are made using a token of a sum to make it happen.

Bad news for most beginners : Fundamental of investing are back and you need skills to invest now

There are some basics towards investment which i hold them dearly are

  1. Invest only I have the chance to make 5% per annum and above

  2. Investment with average 7% per annum are consider good average returns. ( I hear many are saying they can do 20% to 30% and that's bull S*** theory in my opinion.)

  3. Invest only when you know what you are going into.

  4. Professionals can do the job only if you can provide a decent timeframe for the product to work for you

  5. Understand the meaning of trading vs investing . So important

So where should I invest now?

Many of my client ask me this question which I will answer I do not have an answer for you until I know you as a person. Personality and investment works very much hand in hand. For a person who do not have the patience to wait out and see results , the product advise is very different from a person who holds a 10 years objective to see gains.

Lastly , continue to stay invested . If you are unsure , continue to seek out higher rate of returns in safe instruments. It is because , doing something is always better than doing nothing.

Let's beat inflation today.

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