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If you are here , that means you wanted to know me a little more. That's great.


I started out as a Mechanical Engineer in a listed company and finally found my calling in the Financial planning sector with Prudential since year 2004. 

All these years, I have served dutifully towards my clients in Singapore for their financial needs.

My main bulk of customers are Professionals and SME owners. Many of these group of people I met were questioning themselves If they have enough cashflow to their business or are they even able to retire at the age of 60? 


My strength is to be able to provide them a personal financial report which is easy to read and let them realize if their dream and their wants are align?


I am also building a successful sales team where everyone aspire to achieve at least a six figure annual income.

My personal motto towards my career is Build Wealth , Build Life , and I am looking forward to influence more people I get to engaged along the way.

Regards ,

Andrew Ang I MDRT 2022

representing Prudential Assurance Company Singapore (Pte) Ltd

Reg No. : 199002477Z



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